ジニーくんとは? -Who is Genie-
Name : Genie Giraffe(なまえ:ジニー・ジラフ)
Age:4years old(ねんれい:4さい)
ジニーくんの趣味 -What are Genie hobbies-
- Astronomical observation (天体観測)
- Musical instrument performance (楽器演奏)
- Drawing(お絵描き)
- Cooking(料理)
- Sports(スポーツ)
- Monologue(ひとりごと)
ジニーくんの性格 -Genie’s personality-
They are curious and proactive, always seeking new experiences. They are not afraid of failure and are always up for a challenge. With a positive outlook, they brighten up any room and have the strength to face adversity head-on.
ジニーくんの好きなことば -Genie’s favorite words-
「やってみる!」”Try it!”
まとめ -Summary-